Is it safe to travel to Kashmir? Many people question when they`re told about taking a trip to Kashmir? Isn`t it unsafe to travel to Kashmir? The question reverberates in my mind as I write the blog? To travel is to connect with people, nature, and the culture of different regions, which is an exhilarating experience. If security is a concern, the conviction to not visit such a place is a reasonable response from any traveler. People dare not step out and see the market if the atmosphere outside is not conducive to peace, leave alone visiting Kashmir.
There is no reason to say that your reservations about the Kashmir visit are unfound or baseless. But then you`ve to think and ponder the issue with an open mind and ask yourself if it is fear, prejudice, or influence of newsroom rhetoric and diatribe against Kashmir.
Traveling, of course, is there to help you shun prejudice and see how Kashmir is to its guests? Kashmir, believe me, you`ll come to understand, is an unquestionably safe place to travel. If Kashmir isn`t safe, no place is.
Over the last few years, Kashmir has witnessed an unprecedented rise in violent clashes. They erupt right under your nose, and you don`t even know. People, in fact, you`ll find won`t hesitate to die for tourists, and questions of harming visitors are far from the truth. Much of it concerns the fact that Kashmir is a conflict zone. Despite the Indian state and separatist movement in Kashmir being up against one another, Kashmir continues to present images of communal harmony, religious tolerance, and bonds of brotherhood between different communities.
The people of Kashmir are cordial and friendly and care tremendously for their guests. If you could research Kashmir and its treatment of visitors, it would surprise you to see plenty of news reports covering the stories of people of Kashmir helping visitors during crisis situations.
Here is Why Tourists Hesitate to Trip to Kashmir
Given the political turmoil in Kashmir, tourists often hesitate to take a trip to Kashmir. Their reservations come to play, and they abandon the Kashmir visit altogether. There are many reasons why tourists fear visiting Kashmir, including civil unrest and the eruption of regular clashes. Then there are shutdown calls that disrupt everyday life in Kashmir.
Sun doesn`t go down in Kashmir without seeing the bloodshed on its streets, and it is heartbreaking and ironic, too, to know a place like Kashmir seething in violence. With a decrease in violence, there is a concomitant increase in the number of tourists visiting Kashmir. But as peace returns to Kashmir, famously called the Paradise on Earth, so do the tourists.
Clashes vs. Tourism in Kashmir
There is a consensus among people who have visited and continue to visit Kashmir that violence is not against tourists. At times of violent clashes, tourists have always been offered safety and other basic amenities in case there is a shortage of food supply in the market due to a shutdown. Anger, violence, and sloganeering you see on the streets is a political issue and has never been used against tourists. There might be some cases of manhandling and mistreatment of visitors, but miscreants are everywhere, aren`t they?
Kashmir has always been more than a mere place. It has the quality of an experience, or a state of mind or perhaps an idea.
- Jan Morris
During civil unrest and stone-pelting, several tourists have sustained injuries. But the number is deficient as you can count such instances at your fingertips. Unfortunately, such examples should not have taken place, but the media has done quite a disservice to Kashmir tourism by blowing such incidents out of proportion.
Whenever reports of violence against tourists in Kashmir surfaced on social media or mass media, leaders from various fronts, including mainstream politicians and separatists, have unanimously condemned such attacks. In Kashmir, such violence has no place as the Kashmiri society has always been renowned for selflessly respecting and caring for tourists who are considered guests here.
Tourism Scene in Kashmir in 2019
The dreadful time of escalated tension between India and Pakistan is over. As peace has its slow return to the valley, so has tourism. It is not of the same scale, but visitors who come here go back as ambassadors of tourism in Kashmir as they share their experiences back home of Kashmir. Tourists are happy with the security arrangement, and the tourism department has done a commendable job developing tourist attractions in Kashmir.
For a genuine appreciation of tourism in Kashmir and whether you should visit Kashmir or not, to find answers to such questions, you need to see the ground reality separately from the media projection of the Kashmir issue. The media paints Kashmir in gruesome colors and renders its painting as scary as possible, and believe me, the reality is different.
Kashmiri separatism and everything related to it is not against tourists, be they from India or other countries; whatever is happening is between India and Kashmir, and its legitimacy is for leaders to decide, not you and me as tourists. Kashmir is renowned for its hospitality and respect for tourists, and you should build your opinion on that, and indeed, you won`t regret visiting Kashmir.
Tourism in Kashmir, it is the Best Time to Visit Kashmir
Pay no heed to the rumors surrounding Kashmir. It is perfectly safe for tourists. Staying away and abandoning the Kashmir visit will only do you a little good. Instead, you`re likely to miss the lifetime experience of enjoying the majestic and picturesque views of Kashmir!
Be it a Gondola Ride in Gulmarg, adventure sports and trekking in Sonmarg, sightseeing in Pahalgam, shikhara ride in Srinagar, you`ll miss it all. An evening walk along the banks of Dal Lake and a boat ride to Char Chinar and Dal Lake itself are going nowhere, but I might not be here tomorrow. Take that first step and come out of the entangled web of prejudice. You`ll understand the actual value of traveling, which is, out of many things, to experience reality as it is on the ground level, not what others want us to believe it is.
Kashmir Tourism Overview
In terms of beauty, Kashmir is unparalleled. Be it the serenity of the famous Dal Lake or the grandeur of Mughal Gardens, Kashmir`s most famous attraction, Srinagar, has everything to get you to visit Kashmir. Since it is summer in the sub-continent, why not take a shikhara ride on the pristine waters of Kashmir and feel the cool gushes of breeze on your face as you drift along the rivers and lakes.
Romance is in the air of Kashmir. With its abundant natural beauty, stunning views, photogenic landscape, and tranquil atmosphere, it has long been the charmer of many hearts, especially newlyweds. As you stroll through the charming Pahalgam, its green landscape with snow-capped mountains leaves you spellbound. For adventure lovers, the Lidder River flowing through Pahalgam offers the best river rafting experience.
Then you move on to Gulmarg, equally breathtaking in every sense. With its lush green meadows, Gondola, trekking opportunities to glaciers, and dense forests, it is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir. Remember to visit Sonmarg. Sonmarg is for adventure and nature lovers to enjoy the best nature offers. Its glaciers are the center of attraction here, and many tourists trek to the highest summits of Sonmarg. If it is winter and you leave for Kashmir, take advantage of skiing in the highlands of Gulmarg, as snow carpets the entire region. The pony ride is another favorite activity to do in Pahalgam, as well as Gulmarg.
Best Places to Visit in Kashmir
Kashmir offers you bliss and true peace of mind, provided you dare to excuse the negativity surrounding a Kashmir visit due to the recent escalation of tension between India and Pakistan and plan a trip to Kashmir. Here are the best places to visit in Kashmir in 2019.
Shalimar Bagh, Srinagar
Shalimar Bagh is the most stunning of all Mughal gardens. It is best known for sightseeing, exploring nature, and beholding the colorful flower blossoms sparkling most brightly in the Shalimar Bagh garden.
Dal Lake, Srinagar
Dal Lake is undoubtedly the must-visit attraction in Kashmir. It is renowned for its natural splendor, boat and shikhara ride, and sightseeing in the surrounding locales. The stunning Dal Lake, with its charming beauty and breathtaking surroundings, leaves you mesmerized.
Alpather Lake, Gulmarg
Come and be bewitched by the exquisite beauty of Alpather Lake, located amidst the verdant meadows and towering mountains of Gulmarg. The lake is surrounded by wildflowers of various colors and remains frozen almost year-round. It is renowned for adventure, and trekking to Alpather Lake is the best thing you could do in Gulmarg.
Sonmarg, Srinagar
If you desire to experience the Himalayas at their mighty best, book a trip to Kashmir and visit Sonmarg. The picturesque attraction in Kashmir is renowned for sightseeing, adventure, and nature.
Gulmarg Golf Course, Gulmarg
I know there are many lavish golf courses in the country, highly advanced, but Gulmarg Golf Course is different. This 18-hole golf course is surrounded by mesmerizing hills and abounds in natural beauty.
Apharwat Peak, Gulmarg
Apharwat Peak is a famous winter destination in Kashmir. Visitors come here from the country's far ends to enjoy skiing. Besides, the place is also renowned for sightseeing, adventure trek to Apharwat Peak, natural beauty, and verdant hills.
Is Visiting Kashmir Safe, My Verdict
I had no intention here to write about unique attractions in Kashmir. In fact, I only needed to give my reader a sneak preview of Kashmir and its enthralling tourist attractions. There is more to it than the few I have mentioned here in the passing, only to show you that not visiting Kashmir means missing a lot.
I won't force my opinion that visiting Kashmir is safe for you. I leave that up to you after spending some time here in Kashmir. Traveling is a thrilling experience, and just because a few rogue elements here and there do something nasty should not spoil the thrill traveling brings.
Instead, I was hoping you could travel to Kashmir without any fear at the back of your mind and give your own verdict regarding the Kashmir visit, and I am confident it would be positive. There is a sky-high difference between what certain media outlets say about Kashmir and what it is in reality, visit Kashmir to know the difference!